please call me melissa! よろしく, ね!
age (年齢): 33
birthday: march 1st
blood type (血液型): AB
height (身長) : 160cm
hobbies (趣味): reading (読書), driving (ドライブ), traveling (旅行), taking pictures (写真撮影), listening to music (音楽鑑賞), watching movies (映画鑑賞), learning about different languages and cultures (外国語や文化の勉強)
favorite t.v. shows: Glee, 30 Rock (聞いたことあるかな?)
my current favorite songs (最近頭からはなれない曲): teenage dream (katy perry), hey, soul sister (train), misery (maroon 5), animal (neon trees), erase me (kid kudi)
fun fact (面白い事実): I can speak French and Spanish. (フランス語とスペイン語を話せる。大学で勉強したからです。)
age (年齢): 33
birthday: march 1st
blood type (血液型): AB
height (身長) : 160cm
country: the U.S.
hobbies (趣味): reading (読書), driving (ドライブ), traveling (旅行), taking pictures (写真撮影), listening to music (音楽鑑賞), watching movies (映画鑑賞), learning about different languages and cultures (外国語や文化の勉強)
likes (好きなもの): good coffee, rain, glasses (メガネ), pottery (陶芸), ちゃんぽん, birds, the color green, art, cheese, laughing (笑う), thai curry, singing, funny people (ゆかいな仲間)
dislikes (嫌いなもの): spiders, scary movies (ホラームービ), reggae music (レゲエ), green peppers (ピーマン), running (走る)
favorite t.v. shows: Glee, 30 Rock (聞いたことあるかな?)
my current favorite songs (最近頭からはなれない曲): teenage dream (katy perry), hey, soul sister (train), misery (maroon 5), animal (neon trees), erase me (kid kudi)
fun fact (面白い事実): I can speak French and Spanish. (フランス語とスペイン語を話せる。大学で勉強したからです。)